Have you ever thought about who you look up to? When you were little, maybe it was your mom or dad. As you got older, it might have been a friend, a sports star, or even a singer. We all follow someone or something. It’s like we’re drawn to people or things that inspire us, make us happy, or help us figure out life.

People Follow Others
Even way back when, people followed others. The Bible talks about a guy named Paul. He used to be really mean, but then he met Jesus. After that, he wanted everyone to know about Jesus too! He told people to follow him, but he also said to follow Jesus. It was like saying, “Hey, follow me, but don’t just follow me, follow Jesus too!”
Finding the Missing Piece by Following Jesus
This summer, we took a group of kids on an incredible adventure to camp. It was a week filled with laughter, friendship, and unforgettable experiences. But more importantly, it was a time of spiritual growth. Seeing these kids connect with God in a deeper way was truly inspiring. Their hearts opened to the love and guidance of Jesus, and it was amazing to witness their transformation. They discovered a sense of peace, purpose, and belonging that they hadn’t known before. By choosing to follow Jesus, it was as if they had found a missing piece to their lives.
Being a follower is important. It helps us learn and grow. It’s like having a guide or a mentor. But it’s also important to be a leader. When we follow Jesus, we can become leaders too. We can help others learn about God’s love.
Imagine if everyone followed someone who was kind and helpful. Our world would be a much better place. That’s what it’s like when we follow Jesus. We learn to be kind, helpful, and loving.

Who Do You Follow?
So, who are you following? Are you following someone who will help you grow closer to God? Or are you following people or things that might lead you away from what’s important?
It’s okay to make mistakes. We all do. But it’s important to choose who you follow wisely. Choose people who will lift you up and help you be the best person you can be. And remember, the best person to follow is Jesus.
Our Mission
At Arizona Urban Youth Excel (UYE), we’re all about helping kids follow Jesus. We provide a safe and supportive place where kids can learn about God’s love and grow in their faith. We believe that every kid deserves a chance to know Jesus and experience the amazing love of God.
If you’re interested in learning more about UYE or getting involved, please visit the rest of our website or reach out to us. We’d love to connect with you!